10 Surprising Royal Family Facts That Will Astonish You

British Crown

The British Royal Family has long captivated the world's attention with their regal traditions and historical significance. However, behind the pomp and ceremony lies a treasure trove of surprising facts that few people know. In this article, we'll unveil 10 unusual and intriguing facts about the Royal Family that will leave you amazed.

1. The Queen Doesn't Need a Passport

Did you know that Queen Elizabeth II is the only person in the United Kingdom who doesn't need a passport to travel internationally? As all British passports are issued in her name, she is exempt from requiring one herself.

2. Royal Blood in Space

In a cosmic twist, some royal DNA has literally reached for the stars. When British astronaut Tim Peake travelled to the International Space Station in 2015, he took with him a sample of Sir Isaac Newton's apple tree, which is now part of the Crown Estate.

3. The Queen's Unique Alarm Clock

Forget standard alarm clocks. The Queen is traditionally woken up by a bagpiper playing outside her window for 15 minutes each morning when she's in residence at Buckingham Palace, Holyrood Palace, or Balmoral Castle.

4. Prince Charles Talks to His Plants

In a rather endearing quirk, Prince Charles has admitted to talking to the plants in his garden. He believes it helps them grow better, showing a surprisingly green thumb for a future monarch.

5. The Royal Family's Weigh-In Tradition

In a centuries-old custom, guests at Sandringham are weighed before and after Christmas dinner. This tradition, started by King Edward VII, was meant to ensure guests were well-fed during their stay.

6. The Queen's Secret Signals

The Queen uses her handbag to send secret signals to her staff. For example, switching her handbag from one arm to another is a sign that she's ready to end a conversation.

7. Royal Bees Must Be Informed

In an old tradition still honoured today, when a monarch dies, the royal beekeeper must inform the palace's bee hives of the sovereign's passing and the accession of the new monarch.

8. The Royals Are Banned from Playing Monopoly

Believe it or not, the Royal Family is reportedly banned from playing Monopoly. Prince Andrew once revealed that the game gets too competitive, leading to heated arguments.

9. The Queen Has Two Birthdays

While born on April 21, the Queen also celebrates an "official" birthday in June. This tradition dates back to King George II in 1748, who wanted a better chance of good weather for his birthday parade.

10. Prince Philip Was a UFO Enthusiast

The late Duke of Edinburgh had an unexpected interest in UFOs and extraterrestrial life. He even had a library of books on the subject and subscribed to a UFO magazine.

Royal Intrigue Awaits: Your Next Steps in Royal Discovery

These unusual facts offer a fascinating glimpse into the more human and sometimes quirky side of the British Royal Family. From cosmic connections to peculiar traditions, the royals continue to captivate and surprise us, proving that even the most regal of families have their share of intriguing peculiarities.

But this is just the tip of the royal iceberg. To delve deeper into the lives and legacies of the British monarchy, Global Trekker offers a treasure trove of insightful documentaries. Titles such as "H.M. The Queen: A Remarkable Life," "Elizabeth & Margaret," "The Royals Revealed," and "Queen Elizabeth: A Lifetime of Service" provide an in-depth look at the extraordinary lives of these iconic figures.

These documentaries offer viewers a chance to explore the rich tapestry of royal history, from Queen Elizabeth II's groundbreaking reign to the complex relationships within the royal family. Whether you're a longtime royal enthusiast or newly intrigued by these regal revelations, these films promise to enhance your understanding and appreciation of the British Royal Family's enduring legacy.

So, as we marvel at these unusual royal facts, remember that there's always more to discover about this fascinating family. Tune into Global Trekker's royal documentaries to continue your journey into the captivating world of British royalty.

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