Public Health at Risk: Climate Change May Outpace Covid-19's Impact

green house effect

The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report delivers a stark warning: global warming's effects on human health are severe and escalating. Limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C is critical to avoiding catastrophic tipping points with lasting damage to our planet.

Climate Crisis: The Biggest Health Threat of Our Time

The climate crisis poses the greatest health threat of our generation. It's fueling a rise in chronic illnesses and is projected to triple heat-related deaths by 2050. Poor health already burdens the global economy, costing 15% of GDP, with healthcare alone contributing 5–8% of greenhouse gas emissions.

Alarming New Evidence: Faster Antarctic Melting

Adding to the urgency, recent fossil analyses reveal the possibility that Antarctic ice sheet melting could be faster than previous predictions. This could lead to a more rapid rise in sea levels, further intensifying coastal flooding and displacing millions.

Decarbonisation: A Win-Win for Health and Economy

Decarbonisation the global economy

Decarbonising the global economy presents a unique growth opportunity. Investments in greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategies benefit the environment and yield economic benefits. Businesses must take action, and collaboration is key to building a more resilient public health system.

Radical Change for Health's Sake

The human health toll of climate change is immense. Only transformative action to curb GHG emissions will have a significant positive impact.

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